Thank you for taking the time to view my web site. I encourage you to bookmark my home page and check back periodically as I will be updating photos and introducing new pieces from time to time.  If you have any questions about my work or are interested in purchasing a piece, please feel free to contact me.

All work is lead free.  All stoneware is microwave and dishwasher safe; hand washing is recommended for the porcelain. 

Checks, MC and VISA accepted.  UPS and applicable tax added.

Lynn Fisher
Bellaire, Michigan, USA
231 377-4915

This small building is Twig, named because it is a little branch of my working studio. I keep my finished work here for visitors to view. You are welcome to come by; I only ask that you call in advance.

John Dix: One of my former students from my teaching days at Albion College. John, originally from Flint, Michigan, has been making pots in Japan for over 10 years.

Log Art Inc.: This site features some of the finest rustic log furniture and accessories, all hand crafted by my friends, Anthony and Robin Williams.


Copyright © 2019, Lynn Fisher Studios. All rights reserved.